What is ECMA?
- ECMA stands for European Computer Manufacturer's Association.
- ECMAScript = ES
- Its a standard for scripting languages like well known JavaScript, ActionScript and JScript.
- JavaScript is one of the most popular implementation of ECMAScript standard.
- The core features of JavaScript are based on ECMAScript standard but also note that there are some features of JavaScript which are not part of ECMAScript.
- Javascript was originally created at Netscape, and they wanted to standardize the language. So, they submitted the language to the European Computer Manufacturer’s Association (ECMA) for standardization.
- Lets see the features of ECMAScript ES5 to ES10 edition.
ES5 Features:
- "use strict" mode
- String.trim()
- Array methods:
- isArray()
- forEach()
- filter()
- map()
- reduce()
- reduceRight()
- indexOf()
- lastIndexOf()
- every()
- some()
- stringify()
- parse()
- Date.now()
- Property Getters and Setters
- Syntactical Changes in ES5
- Property Access [] on strings
- Trailing Commas in Array and Object Literals
- Multiline String Literals
- Reserved words as property names
- New Object Property Methods
- Object.defineProperty()
- Object.defineProperties()
- Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor()
- Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
- Object.keys()
- Object.getPrototypeOf()
- Object.preventExtensions()
- Object.isExtensible()
- Object.seal()
- Object.isSealed()
- Object.freeze()
- Object.isFrozen()
ES6/ES2015 Features:
- let
- const
- fat arrow functions
- classes in JavaScript
- Default parameters values
- Array.find() method
- Array.findIndex() method
- Object literals
- String interpolation
- Destructuring
- Spread operator
- Spread+Object literals
- Rest
- for..of
- Unicode
- Modules and Module Loaders
- Set
- WeakSet
- Map
- WeakMap
- Proxies
- Symbols
- Inheritable built-ins
- Binary and Octal
- Promises
- Reflect
- Tail Call Optimization
- New methods and constants
ES7/ES2016 Features:
- Array.includes()
- Exponentiation operator (**)
ES8/ES2017 Features:
- Object.entries()
- Object.values()
- padStart()
- padEnd()
- async & await
- Trailing commas in function parameter lists and calls
- Shared memory and atomics
ES9/ES2018 Features:
- Lifting template literal restriction
- Asynchronous iterators
- Promise.finally()
- Unicode property escapes in regular expressions
- RegExp lookbehind assertions
- Object Rest/spread properties
- RegExp named capture groups
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