Tuesday, 31 December 2019

Destructuring in JavaScript

JavaScript supports the extraction of values from an arrays and objects into variable. This is called as Destructuring.

Destructuring Objects:

let employee = {name:"abc", department:"finance", age:30};

// Extraction before ES6 it would be like this

let empName = employee.name;
let empDept = employee.department;
let empAge = employee.age;

// Using object destructuring it would be like this

let {name:empName, department:empDept, age:empAge} = employee;

console.log(empName); // abc
console.log(empDept); // finance
console.log(empAge); // 30

// To extract properties into variables with the same name would be like this:

let {name, department, age} = employee;

// Its not necessory to extract all the properties. We can also do like this:

let {department, age} = employee;

console.log(department); // finance
console.log(age); // 30

Destructuring Arrays:

let cricket = ["virat", "rohit", "dhoni"];

// destructuring would be like this

let [x, y, z] = cricket;

console.log(x); // virat
console.log(y); // rohit
console.log(z); // dhoni

// So array destructuring works based on the index in the array

Destructuring in Function Parameters:

// Typical method to pass multiple parameters (as an object) to function would be like this

function employee(params){
  console.log(params.empName); // abc
  console.log(params.empAge);  // 30

let empObj = {empName:"abc", empAge:30};

// Using object destructure pattern we can define function parameter like this:

function employee({empName, empAge}){
  console.log(empName); // abc
  console.log(empAge);  // 30

let empObj = {empName:"abc", empAge:30};

// In the above function we can directly refer to empName and empAge.

// We can also provide default value using destructure pattern, ex:

function employee({empName, empAge=25}){
  console.log(empName); // xyz
  console.log(empAge); // 25


// so even though we have not passed empAge to employee function, it is taking a default age i.e. 25

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