Monday, 28 October 2019

Globant Interview Questions for Frontend Developer (2019)

Following are the Interview Questions shared by my colleague who recently interviewed at Globant for the position of Frontend developer.

Mostly the questions about JavaScript, Angular, HTML, CSS, GIT and some other general question.

  1. What is uglification?
  2. What is the use of PATCH request
  3. Implement a tricolor flag in CSS using a single "div" tag
  4. REST and CORS
  5. Different between Shallow Copy and Deep Copy
  6. Array reduce method
  7. Cleartimeout and Settimeout examples
  8. What is JWT Token?
  9. What are the Semantic Elements in HTML and their use
  10. Garbage Collector in Angular
  11. HTML without doctype
  12. Callback Queue
  13. Promises vs Observables
  14. Input and Output angular (with syntax)
  15. What is webpack
  16. What is lodash
  17. What is hoisting in JavaScript
  18. Call, Apply and Bind examples
  19. Unit Testing related questions (Karma, Jasmine, Mocha etc)
  20. Comonent and Services in Angular
  21. Array and Object destructuring
  22. Flexbox
  23. Generators
  24. Git branching
  25. What if production issue occurs in the project which you developed? What will you do?
  26. Some other general questions related to your roles and responsibility.

Thank You..!!

Wish you all the best..!!

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